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IGAT REPORT: Japan Eel Trade Mission

Trade Mission Date: April 21-25, 2015

Tokyo, Japan

Here are highlights of the trade mission together with our comments and recommendations:

  • On arrival, Ambassador Manuel Lopez was briefed about the mission. He understood the bright prospects of the Philippine Eel Industry and expressed his unqualified support. DA, DTI and the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo supported the mission from planning to execution. Agriculture Attaché Samuel Animas and Trade Advisor Hidehiko Nonaka, who served as interpreter, joined the mission from start to finish. Commercial Counsellor Dita Angara-Mathay shared her insights on how to develop trade with Japan. She was also instrumental in arranging the mission’s itinerary.

  • The mission had twin but related objectives: (1) To increase trade and promote partnership between Philippines and Japan in the eel industry and; (2) To participate and contribute in conservation efforts for the two species – the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica and Philippine eel Anguilla bicolor pacifica.

  • We met with the Japanese Eel Importers Association, the Fisheries Agency of Japan, All Japan Association for Sustainable Eel Aquaculture – Shizouka and several Japanese traders. In summary, here are the important points gathered during those meetings:

a. The catch of glass eel (fry) Anguilla japonica, the preferred species by Japanese consumers, dropped from 225 tons in the 1960s to less than 5 tons in 2013. This is a decline of more than 97%. Annual demand for table-size eel in Japan is 170,000 tons.

b. Given the large supply gap in the Japanese market, Anguilla bicolor pacifica, is slowly gaining acceptance as a substitute for Anguilla japonica. China-grown Anguilla bicolor pacifica has made some inroads in the Japanese market.

c. According to a London publication Zoological Society of London (ZSL), more than 30% of total eel imports in East Asia come from the Philippines. The Anguilla bicolor pacifica supplied by China and Taiwan to Japan must have originated from the Philippines because Anguilla bicolor pacifica is a tropical eel spawned in the Pacific and is not endemic in China. Despite the present ban on glass eel export, smuggling is rampant in the Philippines because of lucrative profits and not enough domestic eel growers.

d. Japan organized a consortium of countries composed of Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and the Philippines to cooperate on the conservation of the Anguilla japonica, now on the “Red List”. Mr. Shigeto Hase, Director General of the Resources Enhancement Promotion Department of the Fisheries Agency of Japan, expressed concern that what is happening to Japan, EU and USA eels now listed as endangered species may also happen to Philippine eels without an aggressive conservation program. He hopes that the Philippines can attend subsequent meetings of the consortium.

e. Japanese aquaculture operators and traders wish to be assured of sustainable supply before entering into contracts with their Filipino counterparts. We invited them to the Philippines. Some will be arriving in the next few weeks starting May 10, 2015.

  • Here are our findings/conclusions and recommendations:

a. The Philippines must actively participate in the consortium of countries – Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan – for conservation initiatives. Trade and conservation activities are interrelated. Japan may be more receptive to increased trade and partnership with the Philippines if we also cooperate in the conservation efforts led by Japan.

b. The ban on export of glass eel from the Philippines must be strictly enforced. Without an effective ban, the fledgling Philippine Eel Industry will suffer the same fate as the milk fish (bangus) industry. There should be a deputized organization that will lead in stopping the smuggling of glass eel. IGAT can play a supportive role to BFAR.

c. We suggest a law on the Protection and Development of the Philippine Eel Industry. Ambassador Lopez opined that Congressman Manny Pacquiao could be a good champion for the Philippine Eel Industry. Congressman Pacquiao comes from General Santos and Sarangani which are the major sources of Philippine eel. IGAT will help in drafting the proposed bill.

d. We propose the immediate preparation of a Philippine Eel Industry road map with focus on the conservation efforts for a sustainable eel industry. IGAT commits to be actively involved in this endeavor. The road map should include conservation measures, research and development activities, promotion of international trade and partnership and financing package.

e. We recommend that the eel industry be accorded the status of a pioneering industry and thus be entitled to all incentives accruing to such status.

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